Friday, September 26, 2008

Why I Write...

I don't write cause i have to, i don't write cause i should, i don't write cause i need to, i just write cause i feel like it... I'm not a writer by profession, i'm not a writer by decision, i'm not a writer by compulsion, i'm not a writer by any means, but i just write what my thoughts ask me to.. Half of u don't want to read it, many of u don't like to read it, some of u don't even think bout readin it, yet i send it to u cause i wanna share my thoughts with u n i'm sorry if i force u into readin somethin u don't wanna read...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It started like a dream. It had to. Everything in this world starts the same way. It is like living in a city, having no roads, covered entirely in water. To commute from one place to another, you have to jump into the water, and only after you are in the water, can you make out how deep it is. The dream could pretty well turn out to be a nightmare, but to know whether it is one or not, you have to continue living the dream. Yet, this time something was different. There was a change somewhere, somehow, and although it could not be seen, I could feel it everywhere around me. The change could be good, or it could be bad, yet what it gave at this moment was hope. Hope is a peculiar thing. Hopes can die, they can cease to exist as suddenly as they appear, but still whilst they live, they fill you with a sense of optimism and security that is hard to find elsewhere.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Day...

Another typical day in my journey..
Another one minus the bliss,
Am still holding on to the edge..
Hanging on the precipice,
No one around to care..
None missing me each moment,
Yet I miss them so much..
It's as though I can feel the scent,
No one to think I matter..
None for whom I'd be special,
Yet for me every thought is fresh..
Living every past moment is essential,
No one to believe I can do it..
None for whom only I'd be,
Yet for my feelings..
They could only be,
No one for whom I'm the only one..
None for whom I define love,
Yet my heart beats on..
It tries to defy every shove,
No one to finish the pain..
None to wipe off the tears,
Yet my eyes don't give up..
They are determined to flood the fears....